In a Single Picture a Strategy and Result

October 30, 2007 § Leave a comment

Kinetic the interface nerve spreads restless kinetic words
re-discovered in the anguish of the anatomical skinny

How grotesque these modern months
how dreamily diabolical the monstrous methods and intimate stunts

When might everyday life be pieces of poetry, World Words?
When might it not?
Visual music wants to change the warsong framework of time
With re-pulsing literature flashing superbeams through pre-recorded walls

Hot honeyed in the installation room,Viewer:
you water songs looking at the many people mazed

In the glittering gutter slurping at the waterbank chain
humping at(o)ms trying to find a pulse

In the rape and pill age
rebuilding after hurricane

after hurricane

after hurricane.

Intuitive evidence mounts and what’s in a name or breed of plant?
What’s in the seemingly familiar mundane lurking about?

Long that hard chorus sneaks and stalks outside my windows hardly worried
about eternity earth or the rough lense of time

Mothering me it knows better from giving and oral story morals
Still, determined stones are living

Tho some know not why
the ground becomes sad music

Sadly dimming
when the air says rise wishes rise.

Chris Weige ’07
From The Pulchritudinous Review
Ed:  Renee Zepeda

Mags Hearts Peru

August 29, 2007 § Leave a comment

Mags was made and to him a statue they did dedicate
on a marbled checker floor in a building larger on the inside
than on the out, an always changing spaceway whose grand piano
wore beautiful top form teeth.

“I’m down with you in any language,” he liked to say.

Of course this was approved by the authors whose hostile guard and foreign diets alarmed everyone.

Mags knew all about tormented verbs and seismic everything, some Shambala widespread and moreover: petroleum and the African lineage, the anthropologist’s astonishing South that mystified continually Oahu unified in the recognized Earth.

Genetic was his eyezenhower satellite
with Maya in Maya and sweet Iroquois in Iraq.
His voice drilled deeply these names and tales
of other voice box invasions by candlelight in Polynesia
(where he first read of the great American race)

Mags hearted Peru and all his LED encounters over immortal land-bridges
suspended under root and foot, written in the enlightened regions by the full population,
hydrides, high-rises, even long-sewn yarns living in lakes in painful-hard glassy-broken-vessel jars.

Chris Weige 8.15.07.

Architecture For Humanity has launched a Peru Earthquake Reconstruction Appeal to raise funds for upcoming reconstruction efforts. While actual design and construction aid may not begin for a few months, AFH needs your donations today to help provide funds for long term rebuilding.

Twelve Silhouettes Waiting in Space

August 29, 2007 § Leave a comment

Street mattresses follow pedestrians
on the far side of the lime green trees

The film dreams magic nurses
outfitted blue wading in the rainwater

Such humane desires
(the animal felt forbidden)

In the windows in the moonlit
obsessive horse

Sex bodies saved themselves for the happiest hands,
metaphors moved vehicles through towns in the middle of forests rigorously recorded,

Hypnotic swells of the Pacific becoming (that animal)
Call it Love, call it a plethora in the dark, distant alit mountain…

Chris Weige ’07
From The Pulchritudinous Review No.1
Ed: Renee Zepeda

johnny cash – when the man comes around

May 6, 2007 § 2 Comments

Baptism of Solitude: A Tribute to Paul Bowles

April 30, 2007 § Leave a comment

A film by Tonya Hurley Productions

river sliver teaspoon park (reparations)

November 10, 2006 § Leave a comment

sensory achieved overload, lonesome poems, fire ants, state-nations unbound
a lien pipedream got old like the War on Ugly and Poverty and terra talk turkey
and you know: explosions and punch fundamentally infinite

catch the infant – look around – see?
they’re just doing their jobs just gettin rotten gettin green
assigned to the nipple of a motherwar by the antichairman
who is himself a suspected terrorist fleet

his favorite book is hitler copies, or how to do it better with big business
social experiments shitcoms and chatter – written in the pre-rotary telephone era –
that baby began to grow when they put the nozzle of the nose in blank again
because some lawbreakersarelawmakers who on original syntax choke. candle chamber ferromagnetic

November 10, 2006 § Leave a comment


two counterpoints throw two parades in their honor – it causes confusion
but they offer a prepared solution and act as if they are surprised

overscheduled and overworked
overextended and overtired
before leaping mountain to mountain without wires

lawgiving televised pawnshops which once guided synthetic gents power lose
thereupon aristocratic tibia fibia marrowmoan
the salesgirls triumph and howl upriver

a common exhilaration, pessimists!
but we are not trapped under ice or space gloom!


O Meg, aspire
the machine can barely move
unzip it unlock it send more mysteries

with fiery handprint in a collage sniffing glue
with characters with spoons swallowing silver mouths so lo mein mnemonic
and needless to say – send it across the wire / women watching –
if just for a second golden aged n’ wired to be found again
at the beginning of time
you holding signs in a labyrinth getting higher and higher in the same stain-time

O Meg burn the midnight oil for the cowboys for the body politic, megastar
or anti-thief – heads have had it, hearts and love knots; grief.
the full moon frisky blister bon-bon stetson says

the emperor is nude and fiddling
with human life expectancy, drugstore complexions,
the tale of the phoenician possum and jetson


the holy go spell with those tongue-teeth n’ with those tongue-teeth tongue-tongue she told me
tongue-tongue three realities this week tongue-tongue
say playfully: tongue-teeth tongue-tongue, reiterate and define by me

the mesmerizing sunrise as it commences;
precious we are born and can see
where this canyon was formed, where this fire started;

can smell the salty manic abdomen arabesque, primal and fine / divine n’ full of confusion;
hand in hand of time – it is forever brief –
of time I give but blood at night for these victories…

man invented the flat tire and english kissing

November 10, 2006 § Leave a comment

dig this new era drop
dig this drop deepened in the chromosomes chromed
in the century illusory if even it is is
divine in lines altering history anytime

this friends is to the betterment of love
a time to make right better bruises
by this way a goddess in a man enough
and god in a woman enough
a child inside the megamachine heart’s erotic stain,
aorta and atoms, aorta and eves opposing the rat race pulses in portals in season riding words ever touched among us
digging deeper harmonic barking burps, images, signs streaming every rapture
ever smelled among us ruins digging deeper by pisces after we
set free hearts once captured

faces in walls say all true it
and map out all the roots
the sort of thing I usually don’t have time to do…

Determined, A Color

November 10, 2006 § Leave a comment

magnificent mistakes, you are perfect making lemonade
in the summer when my cheekbones pick up yr movements
and i read yr books piled in the corner pacing, once removed

i’m feeling this affirmative feeling for the nations facing what I used to be consumed

i commend all who can cope right imperfectly
this suffering of harmony discord
this hazard of unity natal
i commend all who can be born

los alamos te amo

November 10, 2006 § Leave a comment

as reported to me by a cottonwood tree…

the midnight gardener’s mind is not a brain receiving signals
but signals making a brain in the cellar in the kitchen in the hallways in the light let in

aum and molt burdened words, guilt, mediocrity; aum in formally sin waves and aum
elder stars around snaking skeleton keys; to me freemen talk about the new music
and strange poetry exposing wings while flying vee carpet teams (first responders)
soothe a bayou and classic scene muscle-minded, overtaxed and barely getting by in the back;

america, you are my favorite looking glass TV
newborn and so advised be: the radio and laptop do work
(I’m siiriius) so does the dictionary
in the 21st century

when the walk of life forms a secret country needing distribution
when the bibulous whistlers claim budget woes while selling out from under your feet
the very stones, the very gold n’ H2O – the very meat and salad ottawa on to rio! tikrit and neo!